# Third Party Tool Development

This page contains information that may be useful for developers of third party tools, such as wallets and block explorers

# Contents

# HD Wallet Path

The BIP-0044 Path for our HD Wallets is as follows:


SLIP-0044 (opens new window) Coin ID is 5555

# Public REST Endpoints

The REST endpoints for API interaction (for example block explorers, wallets etc.), served by light-clients can be found in swagger.yaml (opens new window)

Live examples can be found at https://rest.unification.io/swagger/ (opens new window).

# Public Tendermint RPC Endpoints

The Tendermint RPC endpoints, served by full-nodes can be found at http://rpc1.unification.io (opens new window).

The RPC specification is the same as Tendermint (opens new window).