# Light Client/REST

The und binary comes packaged with a full REST capable server, from which the majority of the und query ... and und tx ... commands can also be served.

The REST server is generally useful for third party services such as wallets (opens new window) and block explorers (opens new window). It interacts with, and can be used alongside the und RPC interface.

# Contents

# Prerequisites

Before continuing, ensure you have gone through the following docs:

  1. Install und with Cosmovisor

# Running a light client

The Light Client can be started by setting the configuring options for a full node in app.toml as follows:

enable = true
swagger = true
address = "tcp://"

Then running the und start command as normal

und start

This will start the light client on your local host listening on localhost:1317, and use the node hosted at to source its data and interface with the FUND-Mainchain-TestNet-v8 chain (e.g. broadcast any transactions).


setting the listen address IP to, e.g. tcp:// will allow any host to connect to your REST server.

Once running, you can visit http://localhost:1317/swagger/ (opens new window) to view all the REST endpoints available.

# Running an Archive RPC node

Light Clients are more effective when interfacing with full nodes running in "archive" mode. Nodes running in archive mode do not prune any sync data, and keep a complete transaction event history.

The quickest way to get up and running with an archive node is to configure the pruning option in $HOME/.und_mainchain/config/app.toml:

pruning = "nothing"

Then, start the full node as usual using:

und start

Your light client can then be configured to connect to it via the --node flag by passing tcp:// to it.