# Sending Simple Transactions

The und CMD can be used to generate, sign and broadcast new transactions to the network. It can also be used to query transactions, accounts and a variety of other network information.


Whenever you use und to send Txs or query the chain ensure you pass the correct data to the --chain-id and if necessary --node= flags so that you connect to the correct network!

# Contents

# Sending a Transaction

In this example, we'll generate and sign a simple send transaction, which will send 1 FUND. IF you have followed the documentation so far, you should already have the software installed, be running a full node, and have an account with funds.

The send command is as follows:

und tx send [from_key_or_address] [to_address] [amount] --chain-id [chain_id] --node=tcp://[ip]:[port] --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.5 --gas-prices=0.25nund --trust-node false
  • [from_key_or_address] - this can be either your account identifier, or your bech32 address
  • [to_address] - the bech32 address of the account you are sending FUND to
  • [amount] - the amount, in nund
  • [chain_id] - the ID of the chain to run the transaction on
  • [ip]:[port] - the IP and Port of the RPC node to broadcast the Tx


If you are running your own full node, you can set the --trust-node flag to true, which will tell und not to verify the proofs form the response.

For example, we are running on DevNet, and would like to send 1 FUND from our account und1eq239sgefyzm4crl85nfyvt7kw83vrna3f0eed, to our friend's account und1x8pl6wzqf9atkm77ymc5vn5dnpl5xytmn200xy. We would therefore run:

und tx send und1eq239sgefyzm4crl85nfyvt7kw83vrna3f0eed und1x8pl6wzqf9atkm77ymc5vn5dnpl5xytmn200xy 1000000000nund --chain-id FUND-DevNet-2 --node=tcp:// --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.5 --gas-prices=0.25nund --trust-node=false

You will be prompted for confirmation, along with your password for the account.

If all goes well, the transaction will be broadcast and you should see a result similar to the following:

  "height": "0",
  "txhash": "6FC93147D467E27C104BD68DADAC0CFD6AA130E37E8B29F6652570A891E38F71",
  "raw_log": "[]"


you can set the --broadcast-mode flag in the command to block. This will tell und to wait for the transaction to be processed in a block before returning the result. This will take up to 5-6 seconds to complete, but the Tx result will be included in the output.

# Query a Transaction

You can then query the transaction's progress and final result by running:

und query tx 6FC93147D467E27C104BD68DADAC0CFD6AA130E37E8B29F6652570A891E38F71 --chain-id FUND-DevNet-2

The output should be similar to:

  "height": "7",
  "txhash": "6FC93147D467E27C104BD68DADAC0CFD6AA130E37E8B29F6652570A891E38F71",
  "raw_log": "[{\"msg_index\":0,\"log\":\"\",\"events\":[{\"type\":\"message\",\"attributes\":[{\"key\":\"action\",\"value\":\"send\"},{\"key\":\"sender\",\"value\":\"und1eq239sgefyzm4crl85nfyvt7kw83vrna3f0eed\"},{\"key\":\"module\",\"value\":\"bank\"}]},{\"type\":\"transfer\",\"attributes\":[{\"key\":\"recipient\",\"value\":\"und1x8pl6wzqf9atkm77ymc5vn5dnpl5xytmn200xy\"},{\"key\":\"amount\",\"value\":\"100000000000nund\"}]}]}]",
  "logs": [
      "msg_index": 0,
      "log": "",
      "events": [
          "type": "message",
          "attributes": [
              "key": "action",
              "value": "send"
              "key": "sender",
              "value": "und1eq239sgefyzm4crl85nfyvt7kw83vrna3f0eed"
              "key": "module",
              "value": "bank"
          "type": "transfer",
          "attributes": [
              "key": "recipient",
              "value": "und1x8pl6wzqf9atkm77ymc5vn5dnpl5xytmn200xy"
              "key": "amount",
              "value": "100000000000nund"
  "gas_wanted": "75420",
  "gas_used": "63558",
  "tx": {
    "type": "cosmos-sdk/StdTx",
    "value": {
      "msg": [
          "type": "cosmos-sdk/MsgSend",
          "value": {
            "from_address": "und1eq239sgefyzm4crl85nfyvt7kw83vrna3f0eed",
            "to_address": "und1x8pl6wzqf9atkm77ymc5vn5dnpl5xytmn200xy",
            "amount": [
                "denom": "nund",
                "amount": "100000000000"
      "fee": {
        "amount": [
            "denom": "nund",
            "amount": "1886"
        "gas": "75420"
      "signatures": [
          "pub_key": {
            "type": "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1",
            "value": "A1qL4KCBiGgrE/PYIrUtpN08HxA7+Up+Q7eh3XNbCdSD"
          "signature": "VLldGBkI0C3xcqwGShR2ImIc76btDGtW7QlEVfeDHuZtONIHDR5Ckf87wROazxqVw3rM35RvPgTyoj8VkVFV4w=="
      "memo": ""
  "timestamp": "2020-04-01T14:28:51Z"

# Query an Account

Finally, to check that the funds have been sent and received, we can query the account:

und query account und1x8pl6wzqf9atkm77ymc5vn5dnpl5xytmn200xy --chain-id FUND-DevNet-2

Which will output a result similar to:

  "account": {
    "type": "cosmos-sdk/Account",
    "value": {
      "address": "und1x8pl6wzqf9atkm77ymc5vn5dnpl5xytmn200xy",
      "coins": [
          "denom": "nund",
          "amount": "100400000000000"
      "public_key": "",
      "account_number": 3,
      "sequence": 0
  "enterprise": {
    "locked": {
      "denom": "nund",
      "amount": "0"
    "available_for_wrkchain": [
        "denom": "nund",
        "amount": "100400000000000"

# Next

Example transactions for registering a WRKChain and submitting hashes