# VOR Full implementation example

In this guide, we'll run through a more detailed example and show you how to implement a simplified DnD D20 for fighting monsters and calculating hits.

The resulting contract will:

  • allow any player to "roll for hit" against a selected monster, using a VOR request for the D20 roll
  • allow the owner to add up to 20 monsters
  • allow any player to register their STR modifier
  • allow the contract owner to implement and run some optional helper functions included in the VORConsumerBase contract.

Players calling the rollToHit function will pay their own xFUNDMOCK fees.


This guide assumes you have read through the quickstart and :

  1. set up your development and NodeJS environment
  2. initialised a new project (using npm, and Truffle/Hardhat etc.)
  3. installed the required @unification-com/xfund-vor and supplementary @openzeppelin/contracts packages using npm/yarn

The full, final contract can be seen in our vor-demos Github repo: https://github.com/unification-com/vor-demos/blob/main/contracts/DnD.sol (opens new window).

# Initial contract skeleton

We'll start with a simple contract outline - some function stubs and the constructor:

Create contracts/DnD.sol. All future edits will be in this file

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@unification-com/xfund-vor/contracts/VORConsumerBase.sol";

contract DnD is Ownable, VORConsumerBase {
    using SafeMath for uint256;

    constructor(address _vorCoordinator, address _xfund)
    VORConsumerBase(_vorCoordinator, _xfund) {}

    function rollForHit(
        uint256 _monsterId, 
        uint256 _seed, 
        bytes32 _keyHash, 
        uint256 _fee
    external returns (bytes32 requestId) {
        requestId = requestRandomness(_keyHash, _fee, _seed);

    function fulfillRandomness(bytes32 _requestId, uint256 _randomness) 
    internal override {}

We're importing the VORConsumerBase, and some helper contracts from the awesome OpenZeppelin suite, and we have the three most basic functions required to implement VOR:

  1. a constructor which passes the addresses of the VORCoordinatior and xFUND to the VORConsumerBase.
  2. a rollForHit function which will ultimately call the requestRandomness function in VORConsumerBase.
  3. a fulfillRandomness which overrides the same function VORConsumerBase, and which will be called by the VOR Oracle via the VORCoordinator smart contract.


the _keyHash and _fee args passed to rollForHit function can be set/retrieved elsewhere in the contract, and passed to the requestRandomness function. Your request function does not necessarily require these arguments, but the values do ultimately need passing to requestRandomness

_seed however, should be generated for each individual request.

# Adding some functionality

The above contract isn't very useful. While it requests a random number, it doesn't actually do anything with it. Let's add a few functions that can make use of the random number, and some support variables, structures and events.


None of the following variables or events are required by VOR. They are required only for the DnD contract's own functionality and for the purpose of demoing VOR.

# Contract variables

We'll need a couple of simple contract variables to keep track of our monsters:

    // keep track of the monsters added
    uint256 public currentMonsterId;

    // super simple monster stats
    struct Monster {
        string name;
        uint256 ac;

    struct Result {
        uint256 roll;
        uint256 modified;
        string result;
        bool isRolling;

Nothing complex here - each monster added will be assgined an incremental ID currentMonsterId, and have some simple stats associated with it. Result will be used to store that last result for a player/monster.

# Mappings

    // monsters held in the contract
    mapping (uint256 => Monster) public monsters;
    // player STR modifiers
    mapping (address => uint256) public strModifiers;
    // map request IDs to monster IDs
    mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public requestIdToMonsterId;
    // map request IDs to player addresses, to retrieve STR modifiers
    mapping(bytes32 => address) public requestIdToAddress;
    // store last [player][monster] results
    mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => Result)) lastResult;
  • monsters will be used to store our contracts monsters and their stats
  • strModifiers will allow players to set their STR modifier, which gets added to each dice roll
  • requestIdToMonsterId will temporarily store data on which request relates to which monster while the roll is in progress
  • requestIdToAddress will similarly track which user rolled.
  • lastResult will store the last roll and result for a player/monster

# Events

    event AddMonster(uint256 monsterId, string name, uint256 ac);
    event ChangeStrModifier(address player, uint256 strMod);
    event HittingMonster(uint256 monsterId, bytes32 requestId);
    event HitResult(uint256 monsterId, bytes32 requestId, address player, string result, uint256 roll, uint256 modified);

Again, nothing complex here - just some events that will be emitted during the functions we'll implement next.

We'll add few non-VOR functions first, to support the contract owner adding monsters, and players editing their stats.


Neither of the two following functions are required by VOR. They are required only for the DnD contract's own functionality and for the purpose of demoing VOR.

# addMonster

This will just allow the contract owner to add up to 20 monsters. The onlyOwner modifier is part of OpenZeppelin's Ownable contract.

    function addMonster(string memory _name, uint256 _ac) external onlyOwner {
        require(nextMonsterId <= 20, "too many monsters");
        require(_ac > 0, "monster too weak");
        monsters[nextMonsterId].name = _name;
        monsters[nextMonsterId].ac = _ac;
        emit AddMonster(nextMonsterId, _name, _ac);
        nextMonsterId = nextMonsterId.add(1);

Here, we're just taking the name and AC value of a new monster and adding it to the monsters list, then emitting an event. Players will select the ID of the monster they are fighting when calling the rollForHit function.

# changeStrModifier

This function will allow players to set their STR modifier. Anyone can call, and the result will be stored with the msg.sender.

    function changeStrModifier(uint256 _strMod) external {
        require(_strMod <= 5, "player too strong");
        strModifiers[msg.sender] = _strMod;
        emit ChangeStrModifier(msg.sender, _strMod);

# getLastResult

This function allows queries to the contract to retrieve the last roll result for a player/monster combo

    function getLastResult(address _player, uint256 _monsterId) external view returns (Result memory) {
        return lastResult[_player][_monsterId];

# unstickRoll

Because sometimes the dice rolls under the table...

    function unstickRoll(address _player, uint256 _monsterId) external onlyOwner {
        lastResult[_player][_monsterId].isRolling = false;

# Implementing VOR for Randomness

Now we have some support functions, we can implement the actual randomness functionality and make the contract do something. We need to extend and flesh out the rollForHit function, which will call the underlying requestRandomness function in the VORConsumerBase contract, and the fulfillRandomness function, which will receive and process the random number.


The following two functions are required to interact with VOR and request random numbers.

# rollForHit

The rollForHit function is a wrapper around the required VORConsumerBase.requestRandomness function. The call to requestRandomness is required in order to initialise a request to a VOR Provider Oracle. Technically, this is the only requirement of the function, but we'll need to do some pre-processing in order to track results and make use of the returned value.

    function rollForHit(uint256 _monsterId, uint256 _seed, bytes32 _keyHash, uint256 _fee) external returns (bytes32 requestId) {
        require(monsters[_monsterId].ac > 0, "monster does not exist");
        require(!lastResult[msg.sender][_monsterId].isRolling, "roll currently in progress");
        xFUND.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _fee);
        requestId = requestRandomness(_keyHash, _fee, _seed);
        emit HittingMonster(_monsterId, requestId);
        requestIdToAddress[requestId] = msg.sender;
        requestIdToMonsterId[requestId] = _monsterId;
        lastResult[msg.sender][_monsterId].isRolling = true;

Prior to calling requestRandomness, we're just ensuring the monster is in the contract's database, and that the player/monster combo does not currently have a roll in progress.

The next line transfers the required fee from the player calling the function to this DnD contract. The VORCoordinator then transfers that fee from the DnD contract to itself for later forwarding to the VOR Provider Oracle.


This is just one method for transferring fees to the VORCoordinator. Another is to omit xFUND.transferFrom from your request implementation, and simply keep the contract topped up with xFUND (for example, if the contract owner is the only address that will ever call the request function). In this case, it would also be advisable to implement a function to withdraw xFUND from your contract.

However, since we want each player to pay their own fees, we are transferring as a part of the request process.

Next, the function is making the actual requestRandomness call, which forwards the request to the VORCoordinator. It returns the generated requestId which we then use to map some data about the request:

  1. the address of the player who made the request
  2. the monster th player is fighting.

When the request is fulfilled, the requestId is included in the fulfilment so that we can retrieve any data associated with the request.

Finally, we set isRolling for the current player/monster combo to prevent any further requests on this combo until it's fulfilled

# fulfillRandomness

The fulfillRandomness overrides the virtual function in VORConsumerBase. It is the function that will receive the random number and ultimately process it.


Whilst the requestRandomness function can be wrapped around an arbitrary function, fulfillRandomness must be implemented as

function fulfillRandomness(bytes32 requestId, uint256 randomness)

This is because the VORCoordinator, and VORConsumerBase return data with specific parameters, and expect this function to be defined as this in order to be able to correctly fulfil the request.

The internals of the function contain anything, however.

    function fulfillRandomness(bytes32 _requestId, uint256 _randomness) internal override {
        uint256 monsterId = requestIdToMonsterId[_requestId];
        address player = requestIdToAddress[_requestId];
        uint256 strModifier = strModifiers[player];
        uint256 roll = _randomness.mod(20).add(1);
        uint256 modified = roll.add(strModifier);
        string memory res = "miss";

        // Critical hit!
        if(roll == 20) {
            res = "nat20";
        } else if (roll == 1) {
            res = "nat1";
        } else {
            // Check roll + STR modifier against monster's AC
            if(modified >= monsters[monsterId].ac) {
                res = "hit";
            } else {
                res = "miss";
        emit HitResult(monsterId, _requestId, player, res, roll, modified);
        // store the results
        lastResult[player][monsterId].result = res;
        lastResult[player][monsterId].roll = roll;
        lastResult[player][monsterId].modified = modified;
        lastResult[player][monsterId].isRolling = false;

        // clean up
        delete requestIdToMonsterId[_requestId];
        delete requestIdToAddress[_requestId];

The first three lines of our function are just retrieving some data related to the request. This data was stored when the request was initialised. It's simply getting the ID of the monster being hit, the player who is hitting it, and then from that, deriving that player's STR modifier.

Next, the _randomness value returned from the VOR Provider Oracle is converted into a value between 1 and 20, simulating the roll of a d20.

The player's STR modifier is added to this value, and then checking whether the player rolled high enough to hit the selected monster.

A roll of 20 is a Natural 20, and always hits (with crit!). A roll of 1 is a Natural 1, and always misses (boo!).

Otherwise, we check to see if the roll + STR modifier is enough to hit the monster.

The result is emitted in the HitResult event, and stored in lastResult.

# Helper function(s)

The final function we'll write uses the _increaseVorCoordinatorAllowance helper function included in VORConsumerBase. Its role is to permit the VORCoordinator smart contract to spend xFUNDMOCK on behalf of our smart contract, since the VORCoordinator needs to be able to transfer fees when each request for randomness is made.

For this function, we'll also use the OpenZeppelin Ownable contract's onlyOwner modifier to ensure that only the contract owner can run this function

    function increaseVorAllowance(uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner {

This just calls VORConsumerBase._increaseVorCoordinatorAllowance function, which in turn informs the xFUNDMOCK smart contract that we're allowing VORCoordinator to spend DnD's xFUNDMOCK tokens to pay for fees.


The VORConsumerBase contract contains other helper functions, which can also be wrapped in a protected function in your own contract. See https://github.com/unification-com/xfund-vor/blob/main/contracts/examples (opens new window) for implementation examples.

# Final contract

The final contract should look something like this:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.12;
pragma experimental ABIEncoderV2;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/math/SafeMath.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
//import "@unification-com/xfund-vor/contracts/VORConsumerBase.sol";
import "../../xfund-vor/contracts/VORConsumerBase.sol";

/** ****************************************************************************
 * @notice Extremely simple DnD roll D20 to Hit using VOR
 * *****************************************************************************
 * @dev The contract owner can add up to 20 monsters. Players can modify their STR
 * modifier, which is pinned to their address. Players call the rollForHit function
 * and pay the associated xFUND fee to roll the D20. The result is returned in
 * fulfillRandomness, which calculates if the player crits, hits or misses.
contract DnD is Ownable, VORConsumerBase {
    using SafeMath for uint256;

    // keep track of the monsters
    uint256 public nextMonsterId;

    // super simple monster stats
    struct Monster {
        string name;
        uint256 ac;

    struct Result {
        uint256 roll;
        uint256 modified;
        string result;
        bool isRolling;

    // monsters held in the contract
    mapping (uint256 => Monster) public monsters;
    // player STR modifiers
    mapping (address => uint256) public strModifiers;
    // map request IDs to monster IDs
    mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public requestIdToMonsterId;
    // map request IDs to player addresses, to retrieve STR modifiers
    mapping(bytes32 => address) public requestIdToAddress;
    // store last [player][monster] results
    mapping(address => mapping(uint256 => Result)) lastResult;

    // Some useful events to track
    event AddMonster(uint256 monsterId, string name, uint256 ac);
    event ChangeStrModifier(address player, uint256 strMod);
    event HittingMonster(uint256 monsterId, bytes32 requestId);
    event HitResult(uint256 monsterId, bytes32 requestId, address player, string result, uint256 roll, uint256 modified);

    * @notice Constructor inherits VORConsumerBase
    * @param _vorCoordinator address of the VOR Coordinator
    * @param _xfund address of the xFUND token
    constructor(address _vorCoordinator, address _xfund)
    VORConsumerBase(_vorCoordinator, _xfund) {
        nextMonsterId = 1;

    * @notice addMonster can be called by the owner to add a new monster
    * @param _name string name of the monster
    * @param _ac uint256 AC of the monster
    function addMonster(string memory _name, uint256 _ac) external onlyOwner {
        require(nextMonsterId <= 20, "too many monsters");
        require(_ac > 0, "monster too weak");
        monsters[nextMonsterId].name = _name;
        monsters[nextMonsterId].ac = _ac;
        emit AddMonster(nextMonsterId, _name, _ac);
        nextMonsterId = nextMonsterId.add(1);

    * @notice changeStrModifier can be called by anyone to change their STR modifier
    * @param _strMod uint256 STR modifier of player
    function changeStrModifier(uint256 _strMod) external {
        require(_strMod <= 5, "player too strong");
        strModifiers[msg.sender] = _strMod;
        emit ChangeStrModifier(msg.sender, _strMod);

    * @notice rollForHit anyone can call to roll the D20 for hit. Caller (msg.sender)
    * pays the xFUND fees for the request.
    * @param _monsterId uint256 Id of the monster the caller is fighting
    * @param _seed uint256 seed for the randomness request. Gets mixed in with the blockhash of the block this Tx is in
    * @param _keyHash bytes32 key hash of the provider caller wants to fulfil the request
    * @param _fee uint256 required fee amount for the request
    function rollForHit(uint256 _monsterId, uint256 _seed, bytes32 _keyHash, uint256 _fee) external returns (bytes32 requestId) {
        require(monsters[_monsterId].ac > 0, "monster does not exist");
        require(!lastResult[msg.sender][_monsterId].isRolling, "roll currently in progress");
        // Note - caller must have increased xFUND allowance for this contract first.
        // Fee is transferred from msg.sender to this contract. The VORCoordinator.requestRandomness
        // function will then transfer from this contract to itself.
        // This contract's owner must have increased the VORCoordnator's allowance for this contract.
        xFUND.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _fee);
        requestId = requestRandomness(_keyHash, _fee, _seed);
        emit HittingMonster(_monsterId, requestId);
        requestIdToAddress[requestId] = msg.sender;
        requestIdToMonsterId[requestId] = _monsterId;
        lastResult[msg.sender][_monsterId].isRolling = true;

     * @notice Callback function used by VOR Coordinator to return the random number
     * to this contract.
     * @dev The random number is used to simulate a D20 roll. Result is emitted as follows:
     * 1: Natural 1...
     * 20: Natural 20!
     * roll + strModifier >= monster AC: hit
     * roll + strModifier < monster AC: miss
     * @param _requestId bytes32
     * @param _randomness The random result returned by the oracle
    function fulfillRandomness(bytes32 _requestId, uint256 _randomness) internal override {
        uint256 monsterId = requestIdToMonsterId[_requestId];
        address player = requestIdToAddress[_requestId];
        uint256 strModifier = strModifiers[player];
        uint256 roll = _randomness.mod(20).add(1);
        uint256 modified = roll.add(strModifier);
        string memory res = "miss";

        // Critical hit!
        if(roll == 20) {
            res = "nat20";
        } else if (roll == 1) {
            res = "nat1";
        } else {
            // Check roll + STR modifier against monster's AC
            if(modified >= monsters[monsterId].ac) {
                res = "hit";
            } else {
                res = "miss";
        emit HitResult(monsterId, _requestId, player, res, roll, modified);

        // store the results
        lastResult[player][monsterId].result = res;
        lastResult[player][monsterId].roll = roll;
        lastResult[player][monsterId].modified = modified;
        lastResult[player][monsterId].isRolling = false;

        // clean up
        delete requestIdToMonsterId[_requestId];
        delete requestIdToAddress[_requestId];

     * @notice getLastResult returns the last result for a specified player/monsterId.
     * @param _player address address of player
     * @param _monsterId uint256 id of monster
    function getLastResult(address _player, uint256 _monsterId) external view returns (Result memory) {
        return lastResult[_player][_monsterId];

    * @notice unstickRoll allows contract owner to unstick a roll when a request is not fulfilled
    * @param _player address address of player
    * @param _monsterId uint256 id of monster
    function unstickRoll(address _player, uint256 _monsterId) external onlyOwner {
        lastResult[_player][_monsterId].isRolling = false;

     * @notice Example wrapper function for the VORConsumerBase increaseVorCoordinatorAllowance function.
     * @dev Wrapped around an Ownable modifier to ensure only the contract owner can call it.
     * @dev Allows contract owner to increase the xFUND allowance for the VORCoordinator contract
     * @dev enabling it to pay request fees on behalf of this contract.
     * @param _amount uint256 amount to increase allowance by
    function increaseVorAllowance(uint256 _amount) external onlyOwner {

Next, we'll look at how to interact with the contract, request randomness and view the results.