# und query ibc channel packet-commitments

Query all packet commitments associated with a channel

# Synopsis

Query all packet commitments associated with a channel

und query ibc channel packet-commitments [port-id] [channel-id] [flags]

# Examples

und query ibc channel packet-commitments [port-id] [channel-id]

# Options

      --count-total       count total number of records in packet commitments associated with a channel to query for
      --height int        Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state)
  -h, --help              help for packet-commitments
      --limit uint        pagination limit of packet commitments associated with a channel to query for (default 100)
      --node string       <host>:<port> to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain (default "tcp://localhost:26657")
      --offset uint       pagination offset of packet commitments associated with a channel to query for
  -o, --output string     Output format (text|json) (default "text")
      --page uint         pagination page of packet commitments associated with a channel to query for. This sets offset to a multiple of limit (default 1)
      --page-key string   pagination page-key of packet commitments associated with a channel to query for
      --reverse           results are sorted in descending order

# Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string   The network chain ID


# Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 22-Jul-2022