# Introduction


This documentation section is for existing nodes migrating to cosmovisor. For new node installations please see the Install und with Cosmovisor documentation.

Unlike previous upgrades, future upgrades of the FUND Mainchain should not require the full halt/export state/migrate genesis process. As of Cosmos SDK v0.45.x, network upgrades and state changes can occur in-place. This makes upgrading much simpler for node operators, as it means that they can set up an upgrade well in advance.

Future upgrades will occur via the x/upgrade module, which will require a Governance proposal to pass. Once passed, the und software will automatically halt at the proposed height and wait for the upgraded binary containing the required upgrade information.

Whilst it is possible to undertake the upgrade process manually, it can be time consuming. The recommended process for managing the und binary and upgrades is to implement cosmovisor.

The initial process of migrating to using cosmovisr for handling und takes a little additional configuration, but once in place, upgrades are much easier for operators to implement.

The following guides are available, covering migrating to cosmovisr, and configuring the current upgrades:

  1. Using Cosmovisor with und: Quick Start - how to set up cosmovisor to run und and handle upgrades
  2. 1-init_ibc Upgrade - configuring cosmovisor for the 1-init_ibc upgrade
  3. 2-grog Upgrade - configuring cosmovisor for the 2-grog upgrade
  4. 3-keyleth Upgrade - configuring cosmovisor for the 3-keyleth upgrade
  5. 4-percival Upgrade - configuring cosmovisor for the 4-percival upgrade